Nationwide, healthcare is one of the fastest growing fields for new jobs. 这个100%的在线课程将为您作为医疗助理和计费/编码专家在医疗保健领域的职业生涯做好准备. By course completion, 你将准备好通过由国家健康职业协会(NHA)提供的注册医疗行政助理(CMAA)国家认证考试,并收到一张涵盖考试费用的凭证. 您还可以选择与您的兴趣和职业目标(CPC)最一致的医疗计费和编码认证凭证, CCA, 或cbc).
According to NHA, 医疗行政助理主要在医疗实践或医疗机构的“前台”工作. Their duties may include coordinating practice correspondence, maintaining files and scheduling appointments.
The healthcare environment operates on the basis of professionalism, precision and dedication to patient welfare. Medical assistant certification may be required for many jobs. Earning a CMAA establishes a medical assistant as a caring, 负责任的专业人员,经过学习和评估计划,以验证其证书.
Medical assistants commonly work in medical practices, such as physicians' offices, outpatient clinics, and other healthcare facilities, according to the BLS.
本质上,这是医疗保健环境中使用的两种不同的技能集. 然而, the responsibilities of a medical assistant may include medical billing, medical coding or both. 类似的, 医疗帐单和编码专家可能有自己的职称,也可能将其职称与医疗助理或医疗行政专业名称结合在一起.
医疗保健领域是当今职业发展机会最多的领域之一. 在医疗保健领域,专业医疗助理是最受欢迎的专业人员之一. 将办公室管理技能与医疗账单和编码相匹配,可以在一般医疗保健管理和专业医疗服务中提供更多机会.
入门级职位通常需要完成证书并通过一项认证考试或医疗账单和编码的副学士学位课程. 另外, 医疗计费和编码专业人员必须了解健康保险可携带性和责任法案(HIPAA).
获取CPC, CCA, 或CBCS认证意味着个人具备医疗计费和编码领域的能力. 认证 is invaluable to the student's career goals. Students have an opportunity to make confident, informed decisions about the national certification they prefer.
There are no prerequisites to take this course.
南希•史密斯 has over 30 years of experience in the healthcare industry. 她的临床经验包括在农村卫生诊所网络担任医疗助理, and as a medical coder, insurance claims specialist, and medical records auditor. She worked as a medical office manager for ten years, where she recruited and trained all medical assistants. Nancy拥有职业教育学士学位,并开发和教授医疗助理课程.
LaTisha Cottingham has over 20 years of experience in the healthcare industry. 她在医疗计费和编码以及医疗辅助领域有六年的教学经验. 目前,她在阿拉巴马州的一家长期护理机构担任HIM分析师.
Carline Dalgleish在医疗办公室管理部门工作了30多年. She holds a bachelor's degree in Business Information Systems, a master's degree in Leadership, and a post-baccalaureate certificate in Health Information Management. 她是注册卫生信息管理员和AHIMA批准的ICD-10-CM/PCS培训师. Dalgleish is the author